Beautiful pics of Aline Arnot and Alinity feet and legs

Alinity i (Abbott Laboratories IL USA), a new automated immunoassay device, uses the method of chemiluminescent nanoparticles for immunoassay (CMIA). It makes use of antianalyte-coated paramagnetic particles and antianalyte-labeled conjugates. Alinity s System - a advanced automated system for blood screening - is designed to identify certain antibodies or specific antigens by employing chemiluminescent-microparticle immunoassay detection. Alinity employs the most advanced software and algorithms that include fluorescence analysis as well as photometry optical flowcytometry, to count and measure cells. The Alinity HQ is a fully optical hematology analysis system. Abbott Alinity C Chemistry Analyzer belongs to Alinity, which is the family of Chemistry & Immunoassay Systems. The Abbott Alinity C has 70 different reagents as well as a maximum throughput of 1,350 tests an hour. Aline Arnot is known for Primera edition (2006) and Cafe deporte (2008).

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